Friday, July 27, 2012


WHAT! we have to pay 10,000c in each month oh Matt o_o
so if you live from Shopping City, you have to have 10,000c o_o

Monday, July 23, 2012

Big Turtle

Hello and this is nuts. Big turtle Oh me gush o.o Is a glitch or something? ya maybe -.-

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Shopping City - Being Famous

As you can see Shopping City is being famous why? because : 
1) Crowded
2) Alot of Properties
3) People want shops
Thats all that I can think...

V1nn asking questions

V1nn is saying questions Lol yea like:
Which is the most expensive thing Morne answered Flying Saucer and Geo Car I was supposed to be saying Geo first -.- 
What was the first fan-website of ChitChatCity? then I answered Forums It was actually CCCity Fun Place!
Zeh thats all I remember ok 
Psh I also ask questions xD

What Did I Do?

          Quite weird here, Bad News for me! Jake is ignoring me and wants to leave him alone ehh -.-so weird you know what did I do?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Name changed

The name of CCCityMore2 has been changed to CCCityMore. Our site is Thanks!

To Marco Shop!

Hello go to Marco Shop and I know xD I used paint Lol. Anyways there alot more
And this is how my shop looks like if you click Marco Shop sign ok xD

Story - The Balloon

A Windy day, A Balloon was happy "Time to wish to go home" Balloon said.
He thinks and thinks where he can go home. Then he guessed to go to the vehicle dealer.

But he found nothing to ride on. He used the Saucer and tried to fly "Let us fly" said Balloon. The Saucer was actually a fake "Fake?" he said "Why fake? I want to go home" with a cry. "Wait a minute," He said again "I can already go home" with a smile "I did not know I can fly"
After he flew. He was happy because he was at home, his father came in "FATHER!" with a big surprise.

                                                            THE END

My Favorite Shops

The shop I would like is HelloKittay's well she has three accounts xD   But I would like the top 1 shop :HelloKittay

Now this is my 2nd favorite, The posters are really special. And the rage comics xD oh and I love the pandas too.
And my last is Derp/Chan's Shop. Even if there is too many girl avis. Though still I like it
                                                         Theese are the top 5 of mine!


Gosh Shopping City is being famous. I wanted to live there because it is crowded xD
 Other side of Crowded people...

How To DO A Boy's Avatar

SO this is how you make a boy avi. This is my vid actually but enjoy! =P

Cabinet Builder

Yes and Matt made a Cabinet Builder after the Door Builder. Sorry for telling this late Psh... I need to post the blog of V1nn thats why xD

Go! Animate Video

Lol play this random! xD

V1nn13z's Blog

Yes and today this is a picture of V1nn and I xD check out his blog BTW sure lot of types xD

Door Builder

Thank you Matt,
                         You created the door builder for making doors what we want to. We can sell it in our shops   
I like the car builder so as the door builder Thanks Matt!